These are all help articles
- Are minors allowed to register?
- Can I publish images from an event?
- Can I remove the unsubscribe link in email campaigns?
- Can I revoke a sent email campaign?
- Can I use emoji?
- Can my event website be found in search engines such as Google?
- Create an email address
- Does a guest always receive an invoice?
- How can guests agree to terms and conditions?
- How can guests share the event website via social media?
- How can guests upload a file?
- How can I add a button?
- How can I change the content of a notification?
- How can I change the data on an invoice?
- How can I embed other tools?
- How can multiple guests register at the same time?
- How can participants also invite their network?
- How do I (pre)view the event site?
- How do I (un)publish the registration form
- How do I activate Two Factor Authentication (2FA)?
- How do I activate Vimeo in my Halito! account?
- How do I activate YouTube in my Halito! account?
- How do I activate Zoom in my Halito! account?
- How do I add a CC email address?
- How do I add a contributor?
- How do I add a coordinator?
- How do I add a favicon to an event website?
- How do I add a field on the registration form
- How do I add a form page?
- How do I add a header image to an email campaign?
- How do I add a header image to an event website?
- How do I add a host(ess)?
- How do I add a hyperlink to a position on a page?
- How do I add a logo to an event website?
- How do I add a manager?
- How do I add a new event website?
- How do I add a personal link in an email campaign?
- How do I add a photo page?
- How do I add a rating scale?
- How do I add a text page?
- How do I add an attachment to an email campaign?
- How do I add an event in the Networkapp via Halito!?
- How do I add an image to a webinar?
- How do I add an image to a workshop?
- How do I add an image?
- How do I add an invoice book?
- How do I add an on-site manager?
- How do I add guests to a static segment?
- How do I add links to social media accounts on the event website?
- How do I add one guest?
- How do I add sponsor logos to an event website?
- How do I add the event to the digital agenda of guests?
- How do I add webinar participants to a group?
- How do I avoid extra white space when I press enter?
- How do I capitalize a guest’s name?
- How do I change a form field during the registration process?
- How do I change a guest’s registration?
- How do I change a user’s permissions?
- How do I change my password?
- How do I change the default messages on one eventsite?
- How do I change the disclaimer?
- How do I change the email address that receives out-of-office replies ?
- How do I change the language of the backend?
- How do I change the sender of email campaigns?
- How do I change the text on a button?
- How do I change the text on the thank you-page?
- How do I charge a cancellation fee?
- How do I choose a Payment Service Provider (PSP)?
- How do I choose the correct user rights?
- How do I communicate the eventsite offline?
- How do I connect the Networkapp to Halito!?
- How do I connect WebinarGeek to Halito!?
- How do I copy an event website?
- How do I create a proper guest list to import?
- How do I delete a user?
- How do I delete or archive an event website?
- How do I display the selected workshops in the confirmation email?
- How do I divide users into teams?
- How do I download files uploaded by guests?
- How do I ensure a successful delivery of email campaigns?
- How do I ensure that images in an email campaign appear immediately?
- How do I export (credit) invoices?
- How do I export the guest list (partially)?
- How do I get feedback from guests after the event?
- How do I import a guest list?
- How do I import account contacts?
- How do I import my guest’s language?
- How do I invite guests on the waiting list to register?
- How do I link Buckaroo to Halito!?
- How do I link field tags?
- How do I link hidden information to guests?
- How do I link Ingenico to Halito!?
- How do I link Mollie to Halito!?
- How do I link MultiSafepay to Halito!?
- How do I look up a group registration?
- How do I look up changes to a registration?
- How do I look up guests who have not completed their registration?
- How do I look up information about a guest?
- How do I make a question appear based on a previous answer?
- How do I manage account contacts?
- How do I manage contact types?
- How do I manage credit notes?
- How do I manage invoices?
- How do I manage the guest list?
- How do I measure the event website statistics?
- How do I overwrite a guest list during import?
- How do I personalize the communication?
- How do I prevent an email campaign from ending up in the spam folder?
- How do I prevent an invitation from being forwarded?
- How do I prevent people outside my organization from registering?
- How do I process (partial) refunds?
- How do I process payments?
- How do I protect the registration form?
- How do I publish a page in the menu?
- How do I publish event information on the event website and in an email campaign?
- How do I remove a page from the menu?
- How do I remove one or multiple guests?
- How do I resend the confirmation email?
- How do I securely send a guest list by email?
- How do I see which email campaigns are scheduled for all events?
- How do I see which guests have used a promo code?
- How do I send a (credit) invoice after a change or cancellation of a registration?
- How do I send a payment reminder?
- How do I send a reminder to guests who have not yet registered?
- How do I send a thank you email with a link to photos on the event website?
- How do I send all invoices to a BCC mail address?
- How do I send an e-ticket?
- How do I send an email campaign to account contacts?
- How do I send an email campaign to all confirmed guests?
- How do I send an email campaign where each guest has a personal sender?
- How do I send an email campaign?
- How do I send an SMS campaign?
- How do I send email campaigns to an email address with an apostrophe?
- How do I send myself a test email?
- How do I set a deadline for new registrations?
- How do I set a font?
- How do I set a limit for workshops?
- How do I set a price for a workshop?
- How do I set a total limit?
- How do I set filters?
- How do I set limits on sections?
- How do I set prices?
- How do I set the format of the invoice?
- How do I set up a webinar with WebinarGeek?
- How do I set up a webinar?
- How do I set up messages for all eventsites?
- How do I set up payment emails?
- How do I set up payment methods?
- How do I set up promo codes?
- How do I set up segments for account contacts?
- How do I set up segments?
- How do I set up the confirmation email?
- How do I set up the e-ticket format?
- How do I set up the landing page?
- How do I set up the look & feel of the event website?
- How do I set up the lottery module?
- How do I set up the registration form?
- How do I set up the waiting list?
- How do I set up workshops?
- How do I set which form fields are (not) required?
- How do I take a page offline?
- How do I test the event communication?
- How do I test the lottery module?
- How do I title images?
- How do I track the status of all emails?
- How do I track the status of email campaigns?
- How do I turn off the uniqueness of email addresses?
- How do I use a yes/no field?
- How do I use page and email templates?
- How do I use tags in email campaigns?
- How do I view guest feedback after completing the survey?
- How do I view the (no-)shows after my event?
- How does a guest change billing information?
- How does a guest change his/her registration?
- How is VAT calculated?
- How to add a document?
- How to add a hyperlink?
- How to add a table
- How to add a video?
- How to add Google Maps to a page?
- How to add structure to an extended form?
- How to change the domain name of an event website?
- How to Create a Click to Call Link
- How to insert an image with text next to it?
- How to link a domain name to an event website?
- How to paste text from another file into Halito! ?
- How to register a domain name
- How to register guests as a (no-)show during the event?
- How to remove a hyperlink?
- How to scan E-tickets using the Halito! ScanApp
- How to secure your event website using HTTPS security?
- How to transfer a domain name?
- How to upload files in the media gallery?
- I forgot my password
- Make use of Google Tag Manager
- My account has been blocked
- Should I ask guests if they are attending?
- The upload of my guest list was (partially) unsuccessful
- Tips for choosing a safe password
- What are the differences between a drop-down, radio button and checkbox?
- What can I set filters for?
- What can I use segments for?
- What information can be seen on the dashboard?
- Where can I find an overview of all invoices?
- Which conditions can be linked to a dynamic segment
- Which domain names can I use?
- Which field type should I choose?
- Which fields are required on the invoice?
- Which guests are attending the webinar?
- Which web browsers should I use with the Halito! platform?
- Will I receive a notification for each new/changed registration?