Text box | You use a text field to, for example, request the first name, last name, company name and position, but this field can also be used for dietary requirements or comments. |
E-mail address | To request the guest’s email address, use the email address field. In addition, you can add extra fields that can be used as a cc email address. A check is made whether guests enter an existing e-mail address. |
Choice options | Offer guests multiple choice options where they can select one option. These options can be displayed by means of a drop-down or at a glance by means of radio buttons. |
Yes or no | Use the yes/no field to ask a question that can only be answered with yes (or no). Consider, for example, asking for your guest’s agreement with the cancellation conditions. |
Checkbox | The checkbox corresponds to the choice options field type, with the important difference that guests can select multiple choice options. |
Number | Use a number field to ask guests for a numerical value, such as the number of people being registered. |
Phone number | Ask for the (mobile) phone number of guests, where the country code (such as +32 for Belgian numbers) is already pre-filled. |
Country | A dropdown list appears with all countries from which guests can make a choice. |
Date | Let guests enter a date via a handy calendar or by entering the date manually. |
Time | Let guests fill in a time. |
Extra information | Use this type of field to display a short informative text on the registration form. Guests do not have the option to enter information in this field type. |
Upload | Have guests upload a file during their registration. |