Are minors allowed to register?


The privacy law (AVG/GDPR) has a special focus on the processing of the personal data of minors. Keep this in mind if you are organizing an event to which minors are (also) invited.

In this help-article

  • The data processing is lawful when a child is at least 16 years old
  • When a child is under the age of 16, data processing is only lawful if the person who has parental responsibility for the child gives permission or authorizes permission to do so
  • In such cases, taking into account the available technology, you must make reasonable efforts to verify that the person with parental responsibility for the child has given or authorized the consent
Practical tip
Is your event (among other things) aimed at underage guests? Indicate on the event website and the registration form that personal data is being processed and that you are doing everything possible to handle it correctly. Take a number of steps to correctly process personal data, such as:
  • Add a form field in which you inquire about the age of the child. If the child is younger than 16, use the tree structure to ask follow-up questions.
  • Actively request permission from the parents/guardians of children under the age of 16 for the processing of their personal data.

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