Create the email campaign
- Go to Communication > Campaigns
- Click the Create Template button
- In the popup window that opens, choose:
- Invitees: campaign to unregistered guests
- Registrations: campaign to registered guests
- Guests: campaign to guests on a registration form for multiple guests
- Enter an internal campaign name
- Select the language of the email template (for a multilingual event website)
- If necessary, adjust the sender and reply addresses or set a personal sender per guest
- Enter the subject of the email campaign
- Enter the content of the email campaign in the editor
- Click on the Save or Next step button
Practical tip
Place a personal link in the e-mail campaign, so that a protected registration form is opened and already known data is entered. In the following help article, Dana explains how to do this:
How do I add a personal link in an email campaign?
Practical tip
The personalization codes can also be used in the subject of email campaigns.
Send the email campaign
- Select the date and time to send the email campaign
- Select who to send the email campaign to:
- Full list (and optionally select a status)
- Group (and select a group and optionally a status)
- Edited list
- Click on the Send button
- Confirm sending the email campaign by clicking the Yes button in the popup window
Practical tip
When sending a campaign, the number of guests the campaign is sent to is displayed at the top of the screen. Check if this number matches the number you expect.