How do I test the lottery module?


When testing the lottery module, you mainly check whether the settings in the backend of Halito! to be correct.

In this help-article

The lottery module

  1. Go to Integrations > Lottery
  2. Check if the lottery has been activated
  3. Check that the date on which the lottery should take place is set correctly

The settings of the registration form

  1. Go to Registration > Registration form > Limits (& prices)
  2. Check whether the maximum number of registrations is set correctly. This is the number of guests drawn through the lottery
  3. Go to Registration > Registration form > Access
  4. Verify that the option Yes is selected under Published
  5. Check whether the dates for new registrations and changing registrations are entered correctly. These dates must be after the date the lottery takes place.

The automatic emails

  1. Go to Integrations > Lottery
  2. Check that the subject line and content of the emails are set correctly
  3. Go to Registration > Registration form > Automatic emails
  4. Check that the subject line and content of the emails are set correctly

Good to know
The lottery module is based on several settings. If you adjust (one of) these settings, this may affect the operation of the lottery module and the links in emails that guests have received. Therefore, keep the following points in mind:

  • Do not change the date of the lottery after the draw has taken place
  • Set the deadline for new registrations to the date later than the date the lottery takes place
Practical tip
In addition to checking the settings, it is also wise to test the communication and registration flow. In the following help article, Dana explains how to do this:

How do I test event communication?

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Ik help je graag verder! Om dat zo goed mogelijk te doen, helpt het als je jouw vraag volledig omschrijft en de naam van jouw event website vermeldt.

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