How to upload files in the media gallery?


In the media gallery, you upload documents and images that you use on pages and in email campaigns.

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  1. Go to Communication > Media Gallery
  2. Go to the tab Documents or Pictures
  3. Click on to upload a file
  4. In the pop-up, click on the button Confirm
Practical tip
It is possible to select multiple files at once on your PC or laptop and drag them to the media gallery.
Practical tip
To add a photo album page, add a folder in the media gallery. Then upload the photos into that folder.

Good to know
When uploading files in the media gallery, keep in mind:

  • The maximum file size for photos is 4Mb, for documents the maximum file size is 16Mb
  • Upload only .jpg, .png or .pdf files
  • Keep the size of images under 5000 pixels (height and width)

If you have a file that is larger than the file size limit, compress it. For many files this can be done online:

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